Saturday, May 16, 2009

More reasons

So today start off waking up at 2 a.m. Pretty psyche up after 8 hours of sleep. So call her up....she still awake watching slumdog millionaire. Then we started chatting and ended up talking hours and hours through the phone.Singing and yapping.....soon we realize its 6 in the morning, stomach started singing too so i offer her breakfast. Who wouldn't resist smell of Nasi Lemak in the morning. being the first customer there, waiting for half an hour in front of the shop beside Petronas mantin, 1 nasi lemak ayam and 1 more telur lah. Rm 5.60 is the amount that i have to pay. So 6.45 already at college, she could hear my CBC sound coming,Eat our breakfast together in the car, even though cramped up (couldn't move freely,limited space) Sunrise on ur face....nice view :-)

And now...have to go to class 9 in the morning until 1 p.m. Could things get better?

1 comment:

  1. hahaha. who's this girl man? will definitely hv to introduce me! might see you when i get back dude. i'll be in KL for a week at the end of June.
